
多样性声明, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) in your syllabus is a great way to set a tone of inclusivity and respect in the classroom. 阐明你对多样性的价值观, equity, inclusion, and belonging and how they contribute to your 教学理念 conveys your commitment to support the success and development of students from diverse backgrounds.  The statement must be personal and reflect the instructor's commitments to how they aim to create a culture of inclusion for students. 这份声明是欢迎不同观点的好方法, 制定参与的沟通标准, 尊重学生的背景和经历. A DEIB syllabus statement can also be helpful by referencing it throughout the term when addressing instances of racism and other forms of oppression during class time.

This page provides a series of resources to help you craft or build upon your DEIB syllabus statement.

CETL 提供了有关包容性教学实践的额外资源,例如 包容性教学计划 and 教学大纲工具.


The following recommendations were adapted from the Yale Poorvu Center for Teaching and Learning's website on Diversity Statements:

实践Instrospection - Writing a diversity statement is like writing a 教学理念 statement in that it requires a self-reflective process. Instructors might consider their own background and perspectives when crafting statements that will represent their philosophical and ethical viewpoints for class.

考虑模型 - Instructors can consider the larger structure and tone of the syllabus to imagine how a diversity statement may be positioned for a syllabus' tone and impact.

考虑学科背景 - Every discipline has developed conventions and assumptions over decades and centuries of practice. These conventions and assumptions often lead to jargon and shared vocabularies that can be initially opaque for students. 教师可能会考虑不同背景的学生如何应对.

整合教学理念 - Engaging with diversity in the classroom is often an extension of the instructor's own 教学理念. Research indicates that students often respond positively to transparent indications of teaching strategy and philosophy (Ambrose et al., 2010), so instructors can consider sharing the reasons behind their classroom policies.

建模方面 - The design and tone of the syllabus can positively impact student engagement with and perception of the instructor. 多样性陈述有助于建立一个初步印象, which instructors should uphold throughout the term through personal treatment of students, 促进对话, 以及评分政策的一致性, 出席, 参与, 和借口.

建立期望 - Instructors can use the diversity statement to lay out expectations for student behavior and invite students to become active agents in establishing and maintaining classroom tone.

校园资源 - Instructors can use the diversity statement as an opportunity to direct students toward campus resources that facilitate and support diversity initiatives. 足彩外围网站的多样性部门, Equity, 和包容, 跨文化中心提供额外的资源, events, 对校园社区的支持.


阅读完整的声明 教师手册.

加州大学洛杉矶分校, 历史上哪所学校为少数族裔社区的学生提供了入学机会, 拥有最多样化的学生群体之一. 除了访问, 加州大学洛杉矶分校 students must be prepared to live thoughtful and productive lives to build a just society, rich in cultural and ethnic diversity and respectful of both the individual and the society's values. 实现多样性的承诺, equity, 以及在种族方面的包容性卓越, ethnicity, gender, 性/爱情的方向, 阶层与残疾, 我们致力于追求和实践社会正义. We strive to have a curriculum and pedagogy that honors and incorporates the diversity of cultures, languages, 和传统,提高学生的批判性, analytic, 并提高创造性技能和教育体验的质量.
I am committed to creating an inclusive environment in my class where a diversity of ideas and values is welcomed and considered necessary for success. 我的课堂是一个让每个人都能被“听到”和被支持的空间. 我偶尔会向老师寻求对课堂环境的反馈. 请告诉我你的人称代词.

耶鲁大学-博士. 罗纳·拉莫斯,讲师和研究生服务协调员在物理学
“这个班级努力成为一个包容的社区, learning from the many perspectives that come from having differing backgrounds and beliefs. 作为一个社区,我们的目标是尊重所有人. 我们反对一切形式的偏见和歧视, 包括但不限于年龄, color, 残疾, gender, 性别认同, 性别表达, 国家的起源, 政治面貌, race, religion, 性取向, 退伍军人身份. Faculty and students are expected to commit to creating an environment that facilitates inquiry and self-expression, while also demonstrating diligence in understanding how others' viewpoints may be differnt from their own."

"Respect for Diversity: It is my intent that students from all diverse backgrounds and perspectives be well served by this course, 学生的学习需要在课堂内外都得到满足, and that the diversity that students bring to this class be viewed as a resource, 实力与效益. It is my intent to present materials and activities that are respectful of diversity: gender, sexuality, 残疾, age, 社会经济地位, ethnicity, race, 和文化. 我们鼓励并感谢您的建议. Please let me know ways to improve the effectiveness of the course for you personally or for other students or student groups. 除了, 如果我们的课和你的宗教活动有冲突, 请让我知道,以便我们为您安排."


我们在这门课上讨论的话题通常都很难, 不仅在智力上,而且在情感上. While I expect there to be rigorous discussion and even disagreement in the course of our class discussions, I ask that you engage in discussion with care and empathy for other members in the classroom. 目的是不同意而不变得令人讨厌. 在这堂课上,我们不会回避不舒服. Critically examining and assessing our most basic assumptions and values is not just one of the tasks of philosophy but is an activity vital to living an authentic life. 我希望你们有勇气面对课堂上的不舒服. 以换取你的勇气, I will work to ensure a classroom environment that supports your taking these intellectual and emotional risks.


Below are additional resources with DEIB syllabus statement examples from various disciplines, as well as additional guiding questions that can further help frame your statement. We encourage you to take a look at various examples and create a personalized statement that best reflects your values, 教学理念, 以及你在课堂上为学生创造的学习环境.